Longitudinal maneuver report



b2f182ad64455075125bc8f203f3bc8f8ee9f032, master-ci, https://github.com/commaai/openpilot.git

Description: User report


{ 'alternativeExperience': 1,
  'autoResumeSng': True,
  'carFingerprint': 'TOYOTA_HIGHLANDER_TSS2',
  'carFw': [ { 'address': 1920,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'srs',
               'fwVersion': b'8917F0E380\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00',
               'logging': True,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>', b'\x1a\x88\x01'],
               'responseAddress': 1928,
               'subAddress': 0},
             { 'address': 1988,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'hvac',
               'fwVersion': b'8865F0E01000    ',
               'logging': True,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>', b'\x1a\x88\x01'],
               'responseAddress': 1996,
               'subAddress': 0},
             { 'address': 1953,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'eps',
               'fwVersion': b'8965B48310\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00',
               'logging': False,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>', b'\x1a\x88\x01'],
               'responseAddress': 1961,
               'subAddress': 0},
             { 'address': 1968,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'abs',
               'fwVersion': b'\x01F152648J4000\x00\x00\x00\x00',
               'logging': False,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>\x00', b'\x10\x01', b'\x10\x03', b'"\xf1\x81'],
               'responseAddress': 1976,
               'subAddress': 0},
             { 'address': 1792,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'engine',
               'fwVersion': b'\x02896630EB3000\x00\x00\x00\x00897CF480100'
               'logging': False,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>\x00', b'\x10\x01', b'\x10\x03', b'"\xf1\x81'],
               'responseAddress': 1800,
               'subAddress': 0},
             { 'address': 1872,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'fwdRadar',
               'fwVersion': b'\x018821F6201200\x00\x00\x00\x00',
               'logging': False,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>\x00', b'\x10\x01', b'\x10\x03', b'"\xf1\x81'],
               'responseAddress': 1880,
               'subAddress': 15},
             { 'address': 1872,
               'brand': 'toyota',
               'bus': 0,
               'ecu': 'fwdCamera',
               'fwVersion': b'\x028646F4803000\x00\x00\x00\x00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!',
               'logging': False,
               'obdMultiplexing': True,
               'request': [b'>\x00', b'\x10\x01', b'\x10\x03', b'"\xf1\x81'],
               'responseAddress': 1880,
               'subAddress': 109}],
  'carName': 'toyota',
  'carVin': '5TDXBRCHXMS524550',
  'centerToFront': 1.2405359745025635,
  'dashcamOnly': False,
  'enableBsm': True,
  'enableDsu': False,
  'experimentalLongitudinalAvailable': False,
  'fingerprintSource': 'fw',
  'flags': 280,
  'fuzzyFingerprint': True,
  'lateralParams': {'torqueBP': [], 'torqueV': []},
  'lateralTuning': { 'torque': { 'friction': 0.14519673585891724,
                                 'kf': 1.0,
                                 'ki': 0.10000000149011612,
                                 'kp': 1.0,
                                 'latAccelFactor': 1.9617570638656616,
                                 'latAccelOffset': 0.0,
                                 'steeringAngleDeadzoneDeg': 0.0,
                                 'useSteeringAngle': True}},
  'longitudinalActuatorDelay': 0.15000000596046448,
  'longitudinalTuning': { 'kf': 1.0,
                          'kiBP': [0.0],
                          'kiV': [0.5],
                          'kpBP': [0.0],
                          'kpV': [0.0]},
  'mass': 2184.42138671875,
  'maxLateralAccel': 1.8611643314361572,
  'minEnableSpeed': -1.0,
  'minSteerSpeed': 0.0,
  'networkLocation': 'fwdCamera',
  'notCar': False,
  'openpilotLongitudinalControl': True,
  'passive': False,
  'pcmCruise': True,
  'radarDelay': 0.0,
  'radarTimeStep': 0.05000000074505806,
  'radarUnavailable': False,
  'rotationalInertia': 4073.0048828125,
  'safetyConfigs': [ { 'safetyModel': 'toyota',
                       'safetyParam': 73,
                       'safetyParam2DEPRECATED': 0,
                       'safetyParamDEPRECATED': 0}],
  'secOcKeyAvailable': False,
  'secOcRequired': False,
  'startAccel': 0.0,
  'startingState': False,
  'steerActuatorDelay': 0.11999999731779099,
  'steerControlType': 'torque',
  'steerLimitAlert': False,
  'steerLimitTimer': 0.4000000059604645,
  'steerRatio': 16.0,
  'steerRatioRear': 0.0,
  'stopAccel': -2.0,
  'stoppingDecelRate': 0.30000001192092896,
  'tireStiffnessFactor': 0.800000011920929,
  'tireStiffnessFront': 214366.15625,
  'tireStiffnessRear': 266254.375,
  'transmissionType': 'unknown',
  'vEgoStarting': 0.25,
  'vEgoStopping': 0.25,
  'wheelSpeedFactor': 1.0,
  'wheelbase': 2.8194000720977783}


maneuver crossed runs mean min max
come to stop 3 3 0.44 0.4 0.51
start from stop 4 4 2.89 2.64 3.04
creep: alternate between +1m/s^2 and -1m/s^22 3 1.82 1.8 1.85
brake step response: -1m/s^2 from 20mph 3 3 0.55 0.5 0.6
brake step response: -4m/s^2 from 20mph 2 3 1.3 1.25 1.35
gas step response: +1m/s^2 from 20mph 3 3 0.8 0.7 0.9
gas step response: +4m/s^2 from 20mph 0 3

come to stop

Run #1

Initial aTarget: -0.5 m/s^2, crossed in 0.401s

Average pitch: -1.23 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: -0.5 m/s^2, crossed in 0.398s

Average pitch: -0.95 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: -0.5 m/s^2, crossed in 0.512s

Average pitch: -0.59 degrees

start from stop

Run #1

Initial aTarget: 1.5 m/s^2, crossed in 3.041s

Average pitch: 0.12 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: 1.5 m/s^2, crossed in 2.641s

Average pitch: 0.03 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: 1.5 m/s^2, crossed in 2.949s

Average pitch: 0.09 degrees

Run #4

Initial aTarget: 1.5 m/s^2, crossed in 2.948s

Average pitch: 0.14 degrees

creep: alternate between +1m/s^2 and -1m/s^2

Run #1 (invalid maneuver!)

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 1.895s

Average pitch: -0.47 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 1.801s

Average pitch: 0.06 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 1.846s

Average pitch: 0.08 degrees

brake step response: -1m/s^2 from 20mph

Run #1

Initial aTarget: -1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.497s

Average pitch: -0.48 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: -1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.600s

Average pitch: -0.33 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: -1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.539s

Average pitch: -0.21 degrees

brake step response: -4m/s^2 from 20mph

Run #1

Initial aTarget: -4.0 m/s^2, crossed in 1.349s

Average pitch: -1.76 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: -4.0 m/s^2, crossed in 1.249s

Average pitch: -1.32 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: -4.0 m/s^2, not crossed

Average pitch: -1.72 degrees

gas step response: +1m/s^2 from 20mph

Run #1

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.697s

Average pitch: 0.44 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.901s

Average pitch: 0.76 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: 1.0 m/s^2, crossed in 0.801s

Average pitch: 0.79 degrees

gas step response: +4m/s^2 from 20mph

Run #1

Initial aTarget: 4.0 m/s^2, not crossed

Average pitch: -0.51 degrees

Run #2

Initial aTarget: 4.0 m/s^2, not crossed

Average pitch: -0.13 degrees

Run #3

Initial aTarget: 4.0 m/s^2, not crossed

Average pitch: -0.10 degrees